Other buyers included banks, fund managers and private bank investors. 其它买家包括银行、基金经理和私人银行投资者。
The expectation for this year was that the economy would not only grow, but accelerate, pushing up stock prices and bond yields, said Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank. 此前人们对今年的期待是经济不仅会增长,而且会加快增长,这种期待推高了股票价格和债券收益率,Harris私人银行首席投资官杰克埃布林(JackAblin)表示。
Barings was the oldest private bank in the world. 巴林是世界上最古老的私立银行。
The investment bankers are also very committed to referring their clients to the private bank. 白贺德称:在介绍其客户使用私人银行业务方面,投行经理们也非常卖力。
We're not a private bank in the traditional sense of the matter. 我们不是传统意义上的私人银行。
As a private bank, we can provide global custody or provide consolidated statements. 作为一家私人银行,我们可以提供全球托管或合并报表服务。
The private bank business of our country is in growing period, with a vast developing foreground and an infinite market potential. 我国私人银行业务正处于成长期,具有无限的市场潜力和广阔的发展前景。
While the interest is primarily from retail investors, private bank clients and sovereign wealth funds have begun to increase investing in silver, bankers said. 银行家表示,尽管需求主要来自散户投资者,但私人银行客户以及主权财富基金也已开始增加对白银的投资。
Welcome to EFG Bank, truly a private bank unlike any other. 欢迎的EFG银行,确实是一个私人银行有别于其他任何。
It scaled back its ambitions in investment banking to only providing products and services required to support its private bank. 这一计划让瑞银收敛了在投行业务上的野心,投行部门将仅为其私人银行业务提供所需的产品与服务。
JPMorgan has restructured its global private bank into two units, covering the US and international markets. 摩根大通已将其全球私人银行分拆为两个部门,分别覆盖美国和国际市场。
HSBC Private Bank uses some of these structures in its portfolio proposals for high net worth clients. 汇丰私人银行(hsbcprivatebank)在为高净值客户制定投资组合建议时,会使用这样一些结构性产品。
In a small private bank you would not even know about the opportunity, he says. 在小的私人银行,你甚至都不知道有这种机会。
The private bank within a larger organisation still has its appeal. 一个较大型组织内部的私人银行仍然具有吸引力。
Discusstion on the path choice and development of private bank; 民营银行是我国金融体制改革的战略选择和必然选择。
In shiny India, where the rupee and the stock market have been chasing each other downhill, the government launched a criminal investigation after rumours sparked a run on ICICI, the largest private bank. 在晴朗的印度,卢比和股市每况愈下;同时,在流言引发了其最大私人银行icici出现挤兑以后,印度政府还对此展开了刑事调查。
Market orientation and developing analysis of the route of the private bank 民营银行的市场定位和发展路径探析
Chapter One describes the international experience of developing the private bank. 第一章论述发展民营银行的国际经验。
At least one global bank has recently closed its China onshore private bank after just a few years. 最近,至少有一家全球性银行关闭了它们在中国开业刚几年的在岸私人银行服务。
A Study on the Corporate Governance of Private Bank: Literature Review 民营银行公司治理研究:一个理论综述
One of the more difficult aspects of choosing a private bank has always been evaluating investment performance. 在选择一家私人银行时,更为头疼的难题之一往往在于评估投资业绩。
Bonds are an attractive substitute, says Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank. 哈里斯私人银行(HarrisPrivateBank)首席投资官杰克•埃布林(JackAblin)表示:债券是一种具有吸引力的替代选择。
He used to bank all his hard-earned money with an illegal private bank. 他曾将辛辛苦苦挣来的钱存进一家非法的私人银行。
Others, such as HSBC Private Bank, use an "open architecture" style. 其它银行,例如hsbcprivatebank,则采用的是“开放架构”的风格。
We are not an investment bank, we are just an asset manager and we have a private bank. 我们不是投行,只是一家资产管理公司,而且我们拥有一家私人银行。
Brady Dougan, the Credit Suisse chief who steered the Swiss group away from the worst of the crisis by relying on its private bank and lower-risk trading activities, says he believes the market is ready for the investment bank of the future. 瑞信首席执行官杜德恒(BradyDougan)通过依赖于私人银行和较低风险的交易活动,让瑞信摆脱了危机最严重的影响。他表示相信,市场已经为未来的投行做好了准备。
Financial capitalists derived from feudalistic private bank owners and merchants. 金融资本家从封建的钱庄主人、商人演变而来。
Understanding the market share of a private bank is critical to a proper valuation of the business, but an incorrect assessment of that share has underestimated how the wealth management cake is split, according to new research. 新的研究表明,理解一家私人银行所占的市场份额,对于恰当评估其业务价值而言至关重要,但对这一份额的错误评估,已低估了财富管理蛋糕的分割方式。
But when a private bank tripped up on performance, clients had a different perspective. 但当一家私人银行在投资业绩上表现糟糕时,客户的看法就不同了。